Notes from the NSA Chapter Meeting & CSP Panel Discussion


Our NSA Las Vegas monthly chapter meetings continue to increase in value and practicality. We are 7 months into this pandemic, and a majority of people in our world and in the speaking industry have been devastated by the loss of customers, revenue and market venues that no longer exist. Fear, doubt and isolation are destroying the livelihoods of many. However, if you have been attending our NSA Chapter meetings and weekly accelerator meetings, you would notice that the ACTIVE members of our chapter are a different breed. What is different about them? A majority of them are successfully and profitably pivoting into the realities we are facing. This is happening not because these individuals are figuring things out by themselves. It is happening because we are pulling together to help each other know, understand and apply the steps necessary to not just survive. . . but thrive in this new reality. September’s NSA Las Vegas chapter meeting at the Wildhorse Golf Club was yet another example of this.



Our President, Guy Burns opened with an introduction that reaffirmed our chapter’s commitment to the Spirit of Cavett. He then gave us a reminder that “you are what you soak/sew”. Dr. Jeff Magee then enforced this by sharing a powerful perspective on what that looks like lived out successfully in real life.


People are struggling to find clients and get business. This is not so with many of our NSA-Las Vegas Chapter Members. And we do not want that to be the case with you. That is why we had Brian Williams, who has built a 1 BILLION Dollar digital marketing firm, share the secret process he uses for himself and his clients to get an overflow of the right kind of clients. He shared for free with the members of our club his “Secret Marketing Weapon”. Several of our members gave testimonies of how they are using Linked in and the principles of this simple process to successful increase their revenues during this pandemic.

Thank you Brian for freely sharing your proprietary process at our chapter meeting.


Panel discussions can often be hit or miss, depending on the panel and the content that is discussed. Saturday’s panel discussion was a hit in every way. There was an open forum of questions in which 6 of our Chapter’s most successful CSP and/or Hall of Fame Speakers shared complete transparency in what they did to become successful, how they have transitioned during the pandemic, what technology they are now using, and how they are using it, and how our members can do what they were doing to turn this pandemic into a huge opportunity for growth and income.

The panel including the following CSP/Hall of Fame Speakers: Mike Rayburn, Dr. Jeff Magee, Marilyn Sherman, Darren Lacroix, Guy Burns and Ed Tate. Kathi Kulesza moderated and facilitated this panel discussion and was beyond exceptional!

Here is a small sampling of some of the questions that were specifically and practically answered:

  • How much did you get paid for your first speaking gig?
  • What’s your #1 strategy you are using NOW to get business?
  • How do you start getting A LOT of speaking engagements in one industry? What did you do to get one speech after the other in one industry?
  • I have recently launched my first YouTube, what should I do next to promote my speaking/writing business?
  • Before you had speakers’ bureaus & ‘booking agents’ getting you speeches, how did you get speaking engagements?
  • Given that hindsight is 20/20, if you were starting your career now, what would be the most important thing you’d focus on? In other words, what would propel your career ahead in the quickest and most efficient manner?
  • How do you justify your $10,000+ speaking fee – when certainly many, many other speakers can perform very well in the same speaking engagements for less than $10,000 – often for less?
  • What are you doing differently since COVID started, that is generating a return on investment (ROI) NOW?
  • What new or innovative ways you are serving your existing Clients? And has this created a new revenue stream?
  • What is the best advice you have received from a mentor?
  • Is there a blind spot that you notice most emerging speakers must overcome?
  • Why should we bother going to the effort of getting our CSP? Who cares other than other CSPs?
  • What is the best way to determine my speaking fee?
  • What question has not been asked that should have been?

One theme that came across very strongly from all the panelists was how their involvement in the NSA at the national and local level has not only helped them become hall of fame status, it also has provided the networking and knowledge to allow them to make the pivot into a Covid and post Covid era.
Nobody left without having their questions answered, and it was invaluable to hear Million dollar speakers freely and openly share what they have done and are doing in order to experience success in our industry.


In the afternoon, Guy Burns and everyone who attended this year’s NSA INFLUENCE event, shared the best and most practical aspects the conference, and how they are immediately using these concepts to generate more impact, business and revenue.

A few weeks ago I began to realize that a large % of the ACTIVE members of our NSA Las Vegas chapter were excelling and growing in their speaking / training / coaching businesses, and I was wondering why this was. (This included several new and emerging speakers). After attending the September Chapter Event this past Saturday, I realized why. Because our Chapter has been phenomenal through this pandemic at providing simple, understandable, step by step, implementable processes to our active members, along with the informal coaching and mentoring to allow it to be successful. Much of that happened again on Saturday. I am grateful for how the NSA-Las Vegas Chapter has helped me grow as a person and as a professional, and it is by far the best investment I have made in myself and others. Thank you to all those who attended Saturday and helped me learn so much. I am already looking forward to our October meeting.

Doug Wood
Owner, U3Leadership

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