This NSA LV Chapter meeting was a hit for gaining more resources to punch up your presentation with your own WOW factor. And our most attended HYBRID event so far. We experimented more with Zoom and used Breakout rooms for the first time with our Virtual Maestro, Steven Dietrich, in charge. We had seven attendees join us virtually and 21 members/guests dun masks and join us in-person.
I asked several attendees ‘what drove them to brave in-person attendance? Marilyn Sherman replied with one word “people”. She expanded on that when I prodded, “I miss the people.” Marilyn further explained that while virtual speaking is working well for her, there is nothing like being in community, physically in the same room. Dr. Jeff Magee responded matter-of-factly with “if we are educating others, we better be educating ourselves on an ongoing basis. I am here learning from my peers and practicing what I preach.” Several other attendees echoed this same theme. They wanted to sit, stand, and talk face for face again to share in the energy of learning, sharing, and creativity. Are we eager for onsite events again?!
Warm Up:
- Vice President Doug Wood was our MC throughout the day and immediately had us drumming to raise the energy in the room.
- President, Guy Burns, talked about the intention and usage of the 2020 NSA holiday gift to every member – $50 gift Amazon card to invest in our business.
- For the Spirit of Cavett, Guy facilitated Patricia Fripp’s (1996 Cavett Award recipient) message to inspire us for 2021.
The Main Event:
- Kay Frances, MBA, BS, CSP humorously demonstrated how even the un-funniest speaker can find the humor for any client and how to set ourselves up for “WOW” reviews, testimonials, and repeat business. ‘Make ‘em laugh and they will be clients for life’. Kay showed us how to mine humor from everyday life for our speech archives – you know that file of quips, pics, and more that you can dig out for just the right gig.
- Kay gave us insight into the comedic mind… rather funny unto itself.
- AND she gave us more virtual tools for punching up our presentations to keep the virtual attendees glued, engaged, and wanting more. Even our veteran members had not heard of some of those resources. As we know, new technology tools are constantly being invented; I watched several members feverishly taking notes on those new resources coming to market.
- Kay gave us her template for mining the clients’ collateral, and their minds, to customize the humor with their own corporate cultural language; like those insider words that only their team members know the meanings of. Kay stressed that ‘when we use their language, especially with humor, they connect with us even faster!”
- Kay wrapped up her presentation with several member Spotlights. Both virtual and in person attendees jumped in with great ideas for each spotlighted member to help them punch up their presentations.
If you missed us this month, catch us in February, in-person or virtual, so you can mingle, learn, share and maximize your membership. See you next month.
Be Gutsy … PIVOT
Chrystina Katz, The Gutsy Pivoter