April Event Recap

April 13th National Speakers Association Meeting Recap: Insights and Inspirations with Maureen Zappala and Tony Chatman

A Day Filled with Laughter and Learning

The National Speakers Association’s April 13 meeting was a delightful blend of humor and professional growth, featuring two standout speakers: Maureen Zappala and Tony Chatman. Each speaker brought their unique flair and expertise to the stage, captivating the audience with stories and strategies that were not only engaging but also immensely informative.

Maureen Zappala: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Maureen Zappala, with her infectious energy and insightful anecdotes, demonstrated the power of embracing one’s imperfections through her story about “the hiccup heard around the world.” Her talk was a masterclass in turning potentially embarrassing moments into opportunities for humor and human connection.

Key takeaways from Maureen included:

  • Embrace Imperfections: Highlighting resilience through personal mishaps.
  • Combat Impostor Syndrome: Tools to align self-perception with true capability.
  • Leverage Personal History: Using one’s background as a foundation for authenticity and engagement.

Tony Chatman: Demystifying Federal Contracting

Tony Chatman broke down the complexities of engaging with the federal government, shedding light on the lucrative opportunities for professional speakers and trainers. His detailed analysis of federal spending patterns and accessible contract opportunities provided a roadmap for attendees looking to expand their professional horizons.

Tony’s session delivered critical insights:

  • Federal Spending Insights: Overview of government expenditure in training and development.
  • ‘Petty Cash’ Strategies: How to access daily funds for smaller, immediate contracts.
  • Myth Busting: Clearing up common misconceptions about federal engagements.

Why Attend the Next NSA Meeting?

Missing this meeting meant missing out on a wealth of knowledge and networking opportunities that could propel any speaking career forward. Maureen Zappala and Tony Chatman exemplified the rich content and diverse expertise that define NSA meetings. As attendees left with new insights and laughter still echoing in their ears, it was clear that the value of these gatherings extends far beyond the confines of the event itself.

Don’t miss the next NSA meeting, where you can gain the tools, connections, and strategies to elevate your speaking trajectory.

Join us to be inspired, informed, and involved at our upcoming meeting (May 11th), featuring:

Please register here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/qu4wu27

Also, remember to check out the SUCCESS NOW VAULT: https://nsalasvegas.com/success-now/

Cheers to all good people!

Marty Suidgeest

Marty Suidgeest is the author of the forthcoming book “The Remade Man: A Divorced Man’s Roadmap to Rebirth.”

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