Jason Hewlett

Equity Prime Mortgage - The Training Center - Noble Building 6585 High Street, Las Vegas, NV, United States

How To Make a Career From the Stage (And Make More Money/Have More Influence if Already Making It!) Click Here to Register to Attend! Hundreds have approached Jason Hewlett, CSP, CPAE, through the past 17 years of his career in their quest for Jason's magic potion that will lead them to a prosperous speaking and performing career. Following hundreds of ...

Robert Candelaria

Equity Prime Mortgage - The Training Center - Noble Building 6585 High Street, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Sponsorships - More information to come. Click Here to Register to Attend!

Patrick Allmond

Equity Prime Mortgage - The Training Center - Noble Building 6585 High Street, Las Vegas, NV, United States

How to build a lean, mean lead-generating machine Marketing is life. The amount of success in your business is determined by the number of people that know, like and trust you. Come join Patrick and learn about his three cardinal rules for marketing along with the five digital marketing maturity levels so you know where you are right now and ...

Darren LaCroix

Equity Prime Mortgage - The Training Center - Noble Building 6585 High Street, Las Vegas, NV, United States

https://youtu.be/Lo_RYd0R0SY Multiple Streams of Income - Profit from Product by Next Week What could you learn from someone who quit their day job and survived on product sales alone? What if he tracked every product sold, at every presentation, how many attendees, and the dollars earned per head for the past five years? Currently 70% of Darren LaCroix's income is ...

Meridith Elliott Powell

Equity Prime Mortgage - The Training Center - Noble Building 6585 High Street, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Powerful Sales Systems - Strategies Guaranteed To Fill Your Pipeline You followed all the rules. You’ve read all the books. You’ve implemented your best speaker sales strategies. And still you’re struggling to fill your pipeline. Endlessly worried about booking keynotes. Face it – the rules have changed and selling today is different. Selling yourself as a speaker now that’s the ...

Jeff Magee

Equity Prime Mortgage - The Training Center - Noble Building 6585 High Street, Las Vegas, NV, United States

The Business of Business / Pro Speaker Bootcamp Photo of Dr. Jeff Magee by Ken Rochon 30-years of professional services practice, best-practice strategies and techniques to running a 6-figure business; From A-Z Strategies from Positioning, leveraging your IP and network, to booking a full calendar and more. Exclusively for this EVENT, Jeff will share high impact business development models from ...

Jill Schiefelbein

Equity Prime Mortgage - The Training Center - Noble Building 6585 High Street, Las Vegas, NV, United States

20 Ways to Re-Purpose Your Content for Publicity and Profit Make your content work overtime! This session provides you with an onslaught of ideas to help you re-purpose your existing content into multiple products, promotions, and, ultimately, profits. Jill Schiefelbein takes you through 20 different ways to transform your content and provides you with strategies to help up-sell your newly-conceptualized products ...

Dan Clark

Equity Prime Mortgage - The Training Center - Noble Building 6585 High Street, Las Vegas, NV, United States

The Art of Significant Stories If you've heard it once, you've heard it a million times... Great speakers have learned the art of storytelling. Dan Clark, CSP, CPAE, will be sharing his insight into the art of significant stories. In the last 30 years, Dan has spoken in ALL 50 states, 61 countries, on 6 continents, to over 5500 audiences, to millions of ...

Ed Rigsbee

AGILYSYS 6775 S Edmund St, Ste 100, Las Vegas, NV, United States

PLEASE NOTE: THE VENUE FOR THIS EVENT HAS CHANGED.  It will now be held at the AGILYSYS Building (Location information at the bottom of the page.) Morning Session: Selling to Associations…Bypass the Gatekeeper and Sell Through the Backdoor Ed Rigsbee, CSP, CAE, will teach you how to sell to trade associations and professional societies by going after their soft underbelly—publication ...

Jess Todtfeld

AGILYSYS 6775 S Edmund St, Ste 100, Las Vegas, NV, United States

Pitching the Media Working Session - PR Secret Weapons for Speakers Getting media attention for you and your business would be great... but what are the steps? This working session will take you from idea, to pitch email, to a pitch that is ready for the media. Who will be the ones to get press? Maybe it will be you. ...

2018 Holiday Party

Please join us to celebrate the joy of the season SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th from 6PM-9PM by sharing dinner with your NSA Las Vegas speaker friends. We will gather at the home of Tammy and Scott McKain, one of the most respected and successful speakers in the world who is also a member of our chapter. Scott travels the world speaking about ...


Jeffrey Hayzlett

AGILYSYS 6775 S Edmund St, Ste 100, Las Vegas, NV, United States

CSP/CPAE (http://hayzlett.com/) Grow Your Speaking Want to know how to leverage your platform? Learn how Jeffrey Hayzlett took his books and speaking platform to a new level by influencing the media. How to book 150+ keynotes/year How we landed a prime-time television show How we leverage every show and every speech to get more events and more speeches How social ...

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