September Event Recap

Is it possible that every event we have at NSA Las Vegas is better than the last? I think so, and it is because of the hard work of our Chapter President and seeking the best of the best to share their wisdom with us. So, let’s recap some of the stellar learnings from September’s event.  CSP Speaker – Marvelless …

August Event Recap

Hi all, and welcome back to NSA-Las Vegas Chapter Events. Our inaugural meetup for the 2023-2024 season has left us buzzing with excitement. We were able to gather a stellar panel of CSP and CPAE pros who came to share their best advice. Allow me a moment of unadulterated fan enthusiasm! The lineup featured none other than Scott McCain, Patricia …

May Event Recap

We had a fantastic event this month that exceeded all expectations. The room was filled with eager and curious people who came to learn from our speakers and network with each other. We welcomed our new members and made them feel part of our community. We also celebrated some of our outstanding achievements and gave each other fabulous high-fives for …

April Event Recap

Hello everyone! This month we will do something a little different and look to the future instead of a recap of the last event. But first, a hearty thank you to Christine Cashen, who delighted us with her upbeat, humorous, and beneficial talk at our April chapter meeting. Many of us walked away with concrete ways to up our game. …

March Event Recap

Welcome to the recap of a very informative NSA-Las Vegas Chapter event. Marissa, our newest member, was welcomed. She joined after attending just one meeting. Marissa knew she was in the right place. Every month we are privileged to support our members and guest with our high fives. It’s a great way to celebrate our wins and get to know …

February Event Recap

Hi everyone, Following is a recap of the February meeting. We welcomed more new members and guests. The chapter is really growing. There were some truly amazing “High Fives” shared. From first paid engagements to being asked to be on international panels, the successes continue rolling in. Keynote speaker, Sylvie Di Giusto (CSP), started us off in the morning with …

January Event Recap

Happy New Year! Our first meeting of 2023 was a great success! We had so many people at the meeting that we had to order more food for everyone quickly. High Fives abounded, and the support for each other was evident. We greeted several new members and look forward to their contributions in the future. Our own Darren LaCroix knocked it out of …

Want more bookings? Make your demo reel unforgettable!

If you want more bookings and higher speaking fees one of your most important tools is your speaking demo reels!  Do you need one? Or maybe time for an upgrade? We sat down with some of our Las Vegas NSA Rockstars who are getting booked and asked them what really matters.  This week we sat down with Marilyn Sherman, Founder of …

Want more bookings? Make your demo reel unforgettable!

If you want more bookings and higher speaking fees one of your most important tools is your speaking demo reels!  Do you need one? Or maybe time for an upgrade?  We sat down with some of our Las Vegas NSA Rockstars who are getting book and asked them what really matters.  This week we sat down with Maureen Zappala, Impostor …

Want more bookings? Make your demo reel unforgettable!

If you want more bookings and higher speaking fees one of your most important tools is your speaking demo reels!  Do you need one? Or maybe time for an upgrade?  We sat down with some of our Las Vegas NSA Rockstars who are getting book and asked them what really matters. This week we sat down with our own Darren LaCroix, …